About TMJ
TMJ stands for the temporomandibular joints, which serves as the hinges that connect the jawbone to the skull and are crucial for chewing. In some patients, disorders can arise that cause discomfort, pain, tooth sensitivity, tooth breakage, limited range of motion, difficulty chewing and opening the mouth, burning in the mouth, unexplained headaches, and other symptoms. The cause for these disorders are not completely identifiable, but sometimes TMJ disorders can result from trauma, constant grinding or clenching of the jaw, or illness such as arthritis. Depending on the cause and extent of the condition, our Beachwood Dental team can offer our Los Alalmitos, CA patients a number of different treatment options. We will examine each patient and rule out other conditions. Some solutions we may offer can consist of prescription medications, reconstructive surgery, mouth guards, or orthodontia.
What to Expect
Upon a diagnosis of a TMJ disorder, our dentist will discuss several treatment strategies to try before recommending an invasive, surgical procedure. These treatments may include:
- Restorative dental work to align the bite
- BOTOX® injections (relaxes the muscles in the face to stop you from grinding and clenching your teeth, which leads to the painful inflammation)
- Oral appliance therapy (such as a retainer or the use of a night guard while sleeping)
- Orthodontic treatment
- Surgical intervention (joint repair, joint restructuring, or arthroscopy of the jaw joint)
Treatment Aftercare
Our dentist may recommend things patients can do to help with the discomfort beside just using medication for muscle spasms, inflammation, anxiety, and pain. It is important to exercise the jaw and rest it when needed. Patients should be mindful of stress so that they are not grinding or clenching their teeth. Patients should avoid chewy foods and eat a soft diet to prevent unnecessary inflammation. Use heat and ice when needed to help with the pain. Also, having good posture also plays a role in the neck and jaw alignment.

Help Yourself & Relieve TMJ
We can help relieve your TMJ disorder pain with pain management strategies, oral appliances (night guards), and surgery. For whatever the reason is for your pain, we will help you treat this painful condition of the jaw. Call our Los Alamitos, CA dental practice today and schedule your appointment for a consultation at your earliest convenience.